Benefits from Soil Sweetening using liquid lime and liquid fertiliser


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An excellent option for weed and gorse control is to sweeten your soil with application of Liquid Lime and Liquid Fertiliser. Here, the spray pack is using the boom mounted spray rose, rather than the normal spray jets. This enables the spray system to cope with the suspended solids in the mix. Efficiency of application, and speed of plant uptake, makes this an extremely cost effective method of pasture and large lawn care. 

On this particular property the grass is struggling due to sour soil. Application of a mix of liquid lime and fertiliser will show rapid results, and the visible improvements will be ongoing. A regular maintenance schedule for this pasture will include twice-annual feedings, with the lime application rate reducing as the desired soil pH is achieved. The application of liquid lime can raise soil pH in as little as 10 days!


Paddocks or Lawns looking tired?  Contact us now for more information.



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